Since its limited initial release, Elvis Depressedly’s Holo Pleasures EP has become a sought-after item for fans. Run For Cover will reissue the EP Holo Pleasures / California Dreamin’ on all formats on June 3, three years after the original Holo Pleasures. Initially titled “Holo Pleasures II,” the California Dreamin’ EP serves as a companion rather than a sequel. Recorded during the same sessions, the six previously unreleased songs explore new territory while retaining the dreamlike quality of Holo Pleasures. With airy synthesizers, distant drums, and cooing vocoders, the tracks create a bridge between the fuzzy indie pop of Holo Pleasures and the laid-back grooves of their 2015 LP, new alhambra. This double EP offers a unique experience for both long-time and first-time listeners that a standard reissue would not provide.
Track Listing